A Citizen’s Guide to Greece 2015


by Politis


Right, left, and Nixonian

By David Wisner “No one,” writes David Hawkings in his blog in today’s Roll Call, “expected Obama would get to a second term and find his legislative agenda suddenly frozen in the face of a bipartisan wa...


Newsworthy, I think… “Our main goal is to show that the regime that is governing Europe through this crisis is neither democratically legitimate nor acting in any responsible way for the people. It’s really workin...


Up a creek…

What is the expression again, “up a creek without a paddle?”

2014: Voting as European citizens

Excerpts below from an article in yesterday’s New York Times by Daniel Cohn-Bendit and Felix Marquardt, founders of Europeans Now. “The time is ripe for a transnational, transgenerational, transpartisan, grass-root...
by Politis


America’s very own Golden Dawn

America’s Very Own Golden Dawn By Francesca Kareivis As I am enrolled in several political science classes in my study abroad program, the issue of Golden Dawn has been brought up in discussion quite a bit. Many students and ...
by pdcadmin



I, Citizen

By David Wisner I was invited not too long ago to discuss my views on citizenship on a local television program. What is different about citizens in Greece and in the US, was more or less the line of inquiry. I answered in some...

LOL Greece

By Krysta I took a look at an article in LOL Greece a few weeks ago. I was a bit busy at the time and this guy’s articles are huge! I think this website is pretty decent, if not more than that. The articles this guy write...

The New Cold War: Russia, NATO, and the Re-Division of Europe

By Ambassador John Koenig Note from the Editors. John Koenig is a retired career Foreign Service Officer and former US Ambassador to Cyprus. He is a member of the Honorary Board of Advisors to the Dukakis Center. The following ...
by Politis



The rally that did not happen

By Krysta Kalachani Athens, May 13, 2012. Nothing about Athens and the rally. No news in the hashtags and no photos, and I thought that when I went there it was late, but I guess people were very few really. Yup! I can imagine,...