A Citizen’s Guide to Greece 2015



A cynic’s guide to Greek politics

At Politis we try to encourage our readers to look for things positive regardless of how bleak a situation might appear. It is always instructive to distinguish between fairy tales and cynicism, however. A recent column by Andy...
by Politis


Which Greece, which Europe

By David Wisner Two public speeches this past week have turned as sharp a spotlight on the future of the EU and certain of its members states as have few events since 2009. First, the leader of Greece’s main opposition pa...

Indymedia: a different sort of public service

Indymedia. The website is on the Politechnic’s server, or at least was in the past. From time to time the people that write there are accused of being anarchists. Whoever likes can write on the website. They started as in...


Pedro Olalla: a crisis of citizenship

Pedro Olalla, Spanish author and Philhellene, was Popi Tsapanidou’s final guest on Thursday’s Tora, discussing his experience living in Athens and his attempts to understand the crisis wracking Greek society. He als...
by Politis


Women and politics: new rules

Joan Walsh, commenting in Salon on Hillary Clinton’s Senate hearing today notes that “Clinton stood up to the raging bulls with grace and fire of her own… After [which] she was lectured and hectored by guys wh...
by Politis


Everything in order to not tell the truth

By Pantelis Boukalas All those stereotypical expressions that recur in our speech probably once carried some actual meaning before losing it somewhere along the way. The value of these expressions was mostly undermined by overu...
by pdcadmin



Toward a new American center?

David Brooks writes in his New York Times column today that President Obama made a strong case for a “pragmatic and patriotic progressivism” in his second inaugural address yesterday. Where does leave the thoughtful...
by Politis


Wanted: leaders and local color

Surveying the panoply of contemporary European leaders, John Lloyd quips in Reuters, “All this grey almost makes you wish for Silvio Berlusconi to return, to lighten the mood.” “At times it seems that Europe, ...

Female, Aboriginal, Educated, and Idle No More

A great story published in today’s Globe and Mail focuses on the driving forces behind Canada’s Idle No More movement. They call themselves an “indigenous rights revolution” aiming at honoring and fulfil...


Human Rights Watch on Greece’s other crisis

Excerpts from a post yesterday on the Human Rights Watch site. “Partly hidden within [the] turmoil [of Greece’s sovereign debt crisis] is another crisis threatening to spin out of control – xenophobic violence aga...