A Citizen’s Guide to Greece 2015



What They’re Saying About Us Now: July 16 Edition

Americans look at the crisis in Europe and think they see “an underdeveloped version of the American polity,” that if European leaders only acted more like us, everything would be solved.  This article by Russell A...

What They’re Saying About Us Now

Greece in the news up to July 12! In this article from The New York Times on July 1, Paul Krugman offers a logical vindication of Greece as it has been portrayed in the media.   Krugman claims that unduly blaming southern Euro...
Greece Museum

Huffington Post: Greece Immigrants Face ‘Alarming’ Increase In Attacks, Group Says

Derek Gatopoulis 7/10/12 ATHENS, Greece — A leading human rights organization is urging Greece’s new government to take “urgent action” to curb an “alarming” increase in attacks against Asian and...


What they’re saying about us now

An annotated collection of recommended articles about Greece and the eurozone, updated regularly by Politis’ summer staff intern, Miriam Kamil. To July 5, 2012 Ann Appelbaum of the Washington Post had this to say on June ...

Greek PM’s letter to the European Council (in English and Greek)

The letter in English: Athens, 27 June 2012 As I have already informed you, I will unfortunately not be able to attend the current European Summit, due to an eye operation I had to undergo. Greece will be represented by the Pre...
by ip-admin


Who’s Who in the new Greek Government

Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (ND) Administrative Reform and E-Governance Minister Antonis Manitakis (technocrat, Professor of Constitutional Law) Deputy Manoussos Voloudakis (ND) Agricultural Development and Food Minister...
by ip-admin



What our dilemmas teach us

By Maria Patsarika Whenever I am faced with a dilemma I know that my choices are limited. Dilemmas represent difficult decision making, being torn between solutions neither of which is convincing enough to go for with watertigh...
by M P


Why ideology needs to take a back seat for now: a response to the May Elections

By Ruth Sutton The Greek electorate voted with the less practical parts of their bodies in May… their feet, hearts and gall… and not so much with their heads. The two parties (and their dynasties) that have dominated the po...

So many candidates

By Dimitris Diamantis and David Wisner “So many candidates, so little time to choose,” reported one interlocutor to us in early May. How can one decide about new parties and about personalities that had until recently resid...


Why the media want you to blame Greece

By Ian Kehoe               Looking through some of Rupert Murdoch’s newspapers recently I found myself shocked and equally intrigued by the vilification of Greece, this corrupt little country that had brought do...
by iankehoe